A Midnight Deliverance

Open Your Bible

Acts 16:16-40, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 1 Peter 2:19-21

I’m one of those people who loves to plan. Every year, I buy a new planner thinking it will somehow change my life. (It never does.) Then there are the planning apps I use to keep track of work, the house cleaning, and what we’re eating for dinner. This all drives my husband crazy, I’m sure.

But there is only so much in life that we can actually plan and control. A planner can’t show you an unexpected phone conversation with an old friend. Or tell you the week your kids will be sick and home from school. A planner can’t show us the opportunities God will bring our way before they happen. But God often does amazing things through those unexpected detours.

In Acts 16, Paul and Silas are on their way to prayer, when they encounter a detour of their own (Acts 16:16). The spirit inside the fortune-telling girl knew the truth about God’s power, and she followed them for days saying the same thing over and over. Eventually, Paul cast the spirit out of her (v.18). Her master’s response? They were furious to lose their livelihood, and took Paul and Silas to the chief magistrates, who threw them in prison (v.23). Now, Paul and Silas could choose to be angry and frustrated. They could feel bad for themselves, or stress about the fact that their plans were thrown off track. They could keep to themselves and be rude to the other prisoners. But that’s not what they did.

Instead, they used where God placed them as an opportunity.

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.
—Acts 16:25

In a frustrating situation, they praised God. Paul and Silas prayed. They recounted what they know about who God is. At midnight, they worshipped. The best part about this whole thing? “The prisoners were listening to them” (v.25)

Paul and Silas’s direct response to their situation was faith. And because of how they chose to respond, they end up leading an entire family to the Lord (vv.32–34). A midnight deliverance probably isn’t what anyone expected. But the unexpected is often where God shows up and does the miraculous.

Maybe you’re like me—you don’t like disruptions, distractions, or things that mess up your plans. But I’m learning that sometimes, God uses our daylight disruptions to bring midnight deliverance. That means our response matters, even in the inconvenient moments of life. Our perseverance and faith in our hopeless moments are actually a way we can bring glory to God.

In the dark spots of our life situations, in the disruptions to our best plans, we have a choice to either praise or complain. Will we be found praising God?

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55 thoughts on "A Midnight Deliverance"

  1. Andrea Hommes says:

    I had the holy sperit come in to my room like a shieald an Jesus was u der that shield he was so beautiful he sed in like a knowing!! When his sperit flew in to the top of my head Never let a y one tell you that your not mine make no mistake about that ,I died for you ,and i love you with an ever lasting love… as he was giving me strength for this battle agenst a verry real saitin demon im battling for my sole w the actule deval!!! And Jesus actuly came to my room ,to tell me Im his.pray for us as im not able at this time to get the help i need but by his mercy and his grace has used evil for good to help me grow exponetualy in all his ways decipling me and showing me what the covinent of the cross truly means all through scripture in each story Faith Trust Hope and in the enb freadom to those who Beleave in him. TRUTH of the mind of christ in our minds by the word of God is the thered teple its your minde,with his truth sealed in it truth and redemption.The little door to heaven is there, the anti christ is AI it efects the minde to make it easy to lie to you Against the truth and if you beleave saitin lucifer is God or king of the world one world order then u have taken the mark of the beast.its through ur T.V. the image of best in the mind the temple so try to understand that .we have to tell the other and make shure thay listen… pray for me at the alter Jesus is calling home his bride for his coming terring down the temple to build it back up in truth again i know u recgonize that scripture.its Jesus beleave apply it bitterness for prase defience for obdience repentance hate for love spend time with him seek him with all your heart and get to the true church of God u dont know ask him and pray till he answers this is realy it beloved he coming soon we arent ready like we need to be he needs are help to rescue his lost sheep and if we dont help them no one will he works through us….help him u love ur famly Get them to the alter for deliverance and show them who Jesus realy is ,i love you all pray for me and my family madianna is my name God gave me im a new creation through his holy spert and truth and by all he has done and i love Jesus with every thing i am….but im in bondage to verry eval sperits and have no way to get to church for help but he has made a way soon for us so i prase him for that pray for my famly who doest know him like thay should some. Need deliverance thank you And relationship with him spend time every day see u there!!! God Bless you all

  2. Ruth Long says:

    Hey Traci. I relate with how illness can change your plans in a moment. I’ve been going through an chronic illness of my own, like the woman who touched Jesus’s hem, and it has made a lot of things more difficult, and it can feel isolating, when I see that “everyone” seems to be so much healthier than me. I will keep you in my prayer Sister.❤️

  3. Debbie Dodge says:

    Me too! Amen

  4. Mary Snyder says:

    Traci, Here is something I read.

    Paul was greatly annoyed, and he did not appreciate the free advertising from the demon. He did not appreciate the source of the recommendation, and he didn’t need demonic approval of his work.

    i. Paul knew that a man will be identified by both his friends and his enemies, and could do without a demonic letter of reference. In this, Paul was like Jesus, who often told demons to be silent, even when they told the truth about Him

  5. Mary Snyder says:

    Traci, Here is something I read.

  6. Kelly says:

    Traci Gendron – if Paul were to acknowledge what the demon was saying as truth then people would believe the other things the demon said and turn from the truth of the gospel. Also fortunetelling was forbidden (Deut 18:10) and Paul would not want it to be thought she was a part of his team.

  7. Sky Hilton says:

    This section of Acts was very beautiful!

    I always loved how the disciples took their sufferings for the Lord. They didn’t do what we sometimes do, blame it on God and leave the faith. Paul and Silas singing in the prison after their suffering inspires me to worship God, no matter what I go through. Today, my knee was hurting, and instead of being annoyed at the pain or complaining about it, I took a chance to accept this suffering for Jesus. I pray that the next time we encounter suffering, we can praise and sing to God, and worship Him.. instead of letting that make us feel bitter.

    Its also pretty amazing reading someone go through a full conversion. The keeper of the prison falling down to his knees in front of Paul and Silas and asking how to be saved reminded me of one night how I kneeled in front of a last supper painting I have and asked Jesus to show me how to make myself His. Seeing God work in the keeper of the prison makes me confident that God can work in anyone.. and save them, regardless of the bad things they did.

    The Holy spirit was working that prison. That goes to show us that God never is truly far from anyone.

    I pray that all of us tonight will give all of ourselves to God.. all of our heart and soul.. like the keeper of the prison did.. and to, of course, right the wrongs we done.. like how he did.

  8. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God is in control even when things don’t go according to our plan and things seem to be out of control. I pray that during those times, I would still be seen praising him. ❤️

  9. Traci Gendron says:

    Can someone make it more clear for me how the girl’s words were undermining Paul? I know that they were and it was coming from an evil spirit, but I cannot seem to put it into words. I love the comment from Joyce Myers “complain remain…Praise be raised” I can be a complainer. Lord please help me to break this ugly habit. I want to praise You! I too love journals, yet barely write in them. I have learned living with illness that our plans can turn on a dime. I’ve learned to flow with it. What I need to learn now is to find God in those turns.
    Praying for all the requests today.

  10. Jane K says:

    Thanks for sharing Joyce Meyer’s quote Becky K. It’s short and catchy, and maybe it will stick in my head when I start to complain! I’m also praying for you, AB. May God pour out His favor over you as you praise His name even as you mourn the loss of your baby. Prayers for healing and answered prayers for the future. Praying Kathy for your student that he would turn to Jesus and for safety from satan’s attacks. Melanie, I’m praying for your doctor’s appt that they would have wisdom and knowledge to help relieve your pain. I am keeping you all in my prayers.

  11. Victoria E says:

    Amen to this incredible passage and the wonderful devotional. AB- my heart is breaking for you yet I am so glad to know you are turning to God in this moment. I had a miscarriage in April of this year and at first I was so angry with God all I could do was cry and try to escape the unbearable pain. In retrospect I’m not proud of my initial reaction but God brought me back to Him and closer to Him than I have ever been. I am praying for you dear sister. Arina, thank you for your prayers for us. I complain ALL the time, mostly in a light hearted way but still complaining and I pray that God will give me a new song to sing

  12. Brooke P says:

    When we praise God through difficulties and interruptions, it is inwardly deepening our faith and intimacy with the Lord while others also benefit from seeing the Lord’s glorification, like the prisoners and the guard! God can and will use everything we go through for His glory and the furthering of the kingdom, we like Esther, must decide if we will participate in giving the glory to God through the ups and downs of our life. If not, the Lord will have others worshiping Him and giving glory to him.

    “When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews WILL arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?””
    ‭‭Esther‬ ‭4:12-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  13. Dorothy says:

    Arina, yesterday you posted about having doubts about God’s love and doing things right in the Lord’s eyes, I have a couple of quotes from Beth Moore’s “Portraits of Devotion” I would like to share with you that might help you.
    “God knows what He’s doing! Trust Him. God is busy making you someone no one else has ever been.”
    “God sometimes uses us most powerfully when we feel least adequate.”
    Hope these help and remember God, Christ and the Holy Spirit will never turn away from you, no matter what you do, even if you turn away from them.
    I’ll be praying for you and everyone else who requested prayer.

  14. Cindy Hanna says:

    Angie. Took a screenshot of your prayer. Thank you. Wonderfully encouraging.

  15. Dorothy says:

    Abby’s last comments remind me of a song by Andrew Ripp titled “Rejoice”. My radio station some of the time will have the artist tell how they came to write the song and the story behind this song is why I think of the two together. Andrew and his wife were trying to have a child, all their friends and family were having them, and it was getting them down but he is compelled by the Lord to write this song. They end up adopting. It’s a beautiful song and story.
    There have been many times in my life I’ve wanted to give up but by turning to my Savior I was able to carry on. I know I can turn to God and He will get me through anything.
    Sisters be blessed and remember to turn to the Lord in times of trouble and joy.

  16. Mari V says:

    Praying for your student Kathy

  17. Kerry Rowley says:

    Praying for you EB. I’ve been there 2x as well. Tough days. Take time to grieve.

  18. Brooke P says:

    AB , i see you, I understand where you are, and I am praying for you. 2021 has been 2 miscarriages for us as well, I had my first miscarriage which was missed & my body wouldn’t let go which resulted in a D&C after medication wouldn’t release our baby with no heart beat, then after many months I had our second miscarriage. My heart is with you. Cling to the goodness the Word tells us about the Lord & the future we have with him in heaven, not what our fallen world tries to tell us about who God is. Because HE is good and He is heartbroken for us in this broken world. One day we will be with Him in the fullness of His presence, standing before him whole & complete, lacking nothing holding no sorrow. ❤️

  19. Linda says:

    “Our perseverance and faith in our hopeless moments are actually a way we can bring glory to God.”

    I so needed this today! Thank you!

  20. Bronwen Rogers says:

    Kaitlyn G, Paul insisting on the magistrates publicly admitting their wrong he did it much for the honor of the Roman name, as for the honor of the Christian name; for he considered, that should he and his companion go out of the prison in such a private manner, it might be taken for granted, that they had been guilty of some notorious offence, and had justly suffered the punishment of the law for it, which would have been a reproach to Christianity, and a scandal to the Gospel: wherefore the apostle refuses to go out in this manner making a point that the Gospel is not wrong.

  21. Mari V says:

    Thank you ERB I’m going to look this up right now. I am definitely an 80s girl. And I love the Christian music from the 80s.

  22. Mari V says:

    Oh my goodness do I feel convicted, but in a very good way. Thank you Jesus. As most of you know I injured my ankle. Yesterday cast came off and x-rays showed it’s healing properly. But now I’m in a boot.So no running for me for quite a while. Boot is on for six weeks or so. All this to say, I know it’s my God that slowed me down. As a single working mom and wanting to do it all including running, my God slowed me down. And though it hurt to hear the news that I won’t be running for quite some time, I will praise the Lord. I know my God has a plan one that is protecting me from harm. And opportunity to pour more into my daughter.

  23. Maura says:

    The story of Paul and Silas always alswys stirs my heart. That we could sing praises in the dark times could set others free from prison. How AWESOME is our God. AB, I am praying for you, I am so sorry for your loss and pain. Asking God to hold you, that you may feel His arms around you and know how much He loves you. I saw ERB’s post with the Ray Boltz song and then your post praising God in your depths. It is incredible, the simultaneous postings, you AB doing what was in this song the scriptures in the midst of your pain. But God, love and hugs dear Sisters, ERB my Mom always listened to Ray Boltz, I love Watch the Lamb, and At the foot of the Cross. Not sure if those are the exact titles, but so good Sisters, listen if, when you have time. Our God is with us, Emmanuel, please say a pray for strength for me I have been working really hard into the night packing, cleaning, and have the day to move, my body is worn out asking God for His strength and to not get sick, and energy enough to be ready for all my girls, daughter and grands to celebrate my Peyt and Lexi’s birthdays. Thank you, my diabetes and me constantly going don’t work well together. Prayinf Foster Mama, Mari V. Arina, I read all the live and just want you to know I too have been where you are. What I have found in my life is that in the times God is calling me deeper into relationship with Him, that my humaness feels inadequate and questions my mustard seed faith is when He has grown me the most and I opens my eyes to all He has for me. Hugs and Love Sisters.

  24. Mari V says:

    Oh my goodness do I feel convicted, but in a very good way. Thank you Jesus. As most of you know I injured my ankle. Yesterday cast came off and x-rays showed it’s healing properly.

  25. Michelle Patire says:

    Kathy, praying this boy hears the Lord’s voice. God, please protect this child from the hands of evil. Please give him wisdom and emotional guidance. Please help him turn from darkness. Thank you for placing him in Kathy’s classroom. I trust you did this to give opportunity to pray for him. Your eyes see him and see how heart. God please guide this boy into truth. Lead him in the way everlasting. Please save him. Give Kathy the wisdom to help him, as well. I’m Jesus’s name .

  26. Michelle Patire says:

    Wow, Ab…
    Praise God for your friend heeding the Lord’s voice. May God comfort you in this time of loss and pain. May He give you much wisdom and good friends to lean on. May He show you He hurts with you. That is so tragic. May the Lord hold tight to you in the darkness you feel. He is your rock. He will stay close when you feel too much or feel nothing. He loves you and holds you in these heartbreaking moments.

    The response of faith by Paul and Silas is encouraging. I hope to continue in life with greater responses of faith. What a beautiful witness. Taylor, I thought about that, too. They could have left the jail, but they had faith and the Holy Spirit to lead them to help an entire family come to know Jesus.

    May our faith and trust in the Holy Spirit grow. God bless you all.

  27. Kathy says:

    Sisters, I have a huge prayer request. I am a high school art teacher and one of my students came in this morning really struggling mentally and emotionally. He missed the last two days of school because he just couldn’t make himself come to school. He is in with our counselor, but please pray for his physical safety. He really scared me when he came to class.
    Thank you so very, very much.

  28. Rhonda J. says:

    One of my favorite songs is “Praise You in the Storm” by Casting Crowns! So good! Listen if you don’t know it.

  29. Heidi V says:

    Wonderful devotional today

  30. Becky Kortman says:

    Complain and remain…Praise and be raised – Joyce Meyer

  31. hope says:

    So much to unpack in today’s reading. Both the SRT and HRT devotionals are excellent.
    I focused in on 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, the supplemental verses. I love it when the Bible gives us a practical application, a how to.. How do I take every thought captive to obey Christ? What does that look like? I read through several commentaries searching for an answer. We need to put all thoughts through our indwelling Holy Spirit filter. All thoughts must be held up against the truth we know from God’s word. We must Steep ourselves in God’s word. SRT sisters, we’re prepping ourselves right here and now just by cracking our Bibles open…
    So we see Paul and Silas setting an example for us. Their minds are full of God’s truth. They are full of the Spirit and because of this, even in the dark and in the pain,they turn towards God and praise him. Knowing the truth gives us the confidence. Raising a hallelujah is a weapon against the enemy and brings glory to God.

  32. Rhonda j. says:

    Dear Ab, that brought tears to my eyes reading your comment. Praise the Lord you are turning to Him in this hard, sad time. It must be devastating for you, the joy turning to pain so quickly. God bless the friend and SRT sister that sent it to you, and for you to CHOOSE to wrap yourself in God’s arms. It is certainly a challenge for all of us to choose Him in our challenges.

    I’m also seeing though for myself, that I do turn to my Jesus in hard times, yet in the everyday things that I don’t like, complaining seems to be easy. So I like where today’s writer put “we can praise or complain!” Today I’m going to praise and not complain! Wouldn’t that be marvelous to hear people around us in consistent praise rather than complaining!? It starts with us!

  33. Cindy Perez says:

    Praying for your sweet heart in all this pain. God will comfort you and has sent a great friend to be a light in the darkness.

  34. Kaitlyn Garrett says:

    When Paul insists on an escort from the city, it seems like a power play to me. Which seems like waging war like the flesh. Am I reading this wrong? Maybe it’s a strategic move to use fear to prevent future persecution of the church? Is that waging war like the world?

  35. Wendi Klaiber says:

    I am right there with you Kelly. This teaching year is rough, and I am really struggling with not being discouraged and frustrated. I choose to praise today.

  36. ERB says:

    Whenever I read about Paul and Silas in prison I always think about that ‘80’s song performed and written by Ray Boltz called: “I will praise the Lord” …here are the lyrics:
    “Bleeding in the darkness
    The cell was cold and black
    Driven to unconsciousness by the stripes upon his back
    He heard a voice crying out his name
    His mind began to clear
    And in the darkness Paul replied
    Silus I’m here
    Oh my brother Silus
    Paul uttered with a groan
    Today when they were beating us
    I thought we were going home
    And when I opened up my eyes
    I was gonna look at Jesus’ face
    But here we are together
    In this dreadful place
    But I will praise the Lord
    I will praise the Lord
    No matter what tomorrow brings
    What it has in store
    I will praise the Lord
    I will praise the Lord
    I will praise the Lord
    No matter what tomorrow brings
    Or what it has in store
    I will praise the Lord
    This may be a prison
    And these may be chains
    But still I’m free
    Free to praise His name
    And in tribulation
    My heart still sings
    That He is my Messiah yes He is my King of Kings
    The prisoners started waking up
    Singing filled their ears
    Some men started swearing
    Others were in tears
    Then suddenly it happened
    There was no mistake
    As Paul and Silus praised the Lord
    The walls began to shake
    Praise The Lord!”

    ….such a powerful song!! PRAISING in the midst!!! Lord, help me to do this more. Amen!!

  37. AB says:

    A good friend sent this to me this morning as I head into surgery. This week I had my second miscarriage in 4 months. Today, I have a D&C scheduled. In such darkness and sadness I am trying my hardest to praise the Lord. I am thankful for my friend for sending me this devotional and I am forever thankful for the Lord and all his goodness. I trust he has a plan and I know he is with me in this. I will be like Paul and Silas today, praising the Lord.

  38. Aimee D-R says:

    Father God let me always know in my heart that Your plans are greater than mine. May I always sing praises in Your Holy name. In Jesus name, Amen.

  39. Jill Lee says:

    Today when the unexpected and sometimes difficult things happen, will we praise or complain? Give us hearts that trust you.

  40. Jill Lee says:

    Today when the unexpected and sometimes difficult things happen, will we praise or complain? Give us tender,

  41. Shux says:

    “Daylight disruptions to bring midnight deliverance”
    What a word of truth this morning!
    Perhaps this could even ring true in context of pandemic years of daylight disruptions to bring midnight deliverance!

  42. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Paul and Silas – seized, dragged into the marketplace, falsely accused, beaten with rods (many times) and thrown into prison with their feet fastened in stocks….Their response – they prayed, sang hymns, and were a witness to all the other prisoners who were listening! Wow!

    I think of how I have responded when I’ve found myself in situations where I was falsely accused or someone has mistreated me, or one of those unexpected, unplanned things happens. Let me just say — I don’t usually start singing hymns of praise, and often, in the moment – I forget to pray. And then, later – I feel so guilty and ashamed of how I reacted. As always I go to God, confess my sin and hope that next time I handle the situation better. He always listens, He always cleanses me of my sin.

    Praise God for His mercy and grace that are new every morning, and that He always gives us a second chance!

    Praise God for those who like Paul and Silas – praise Him in the storm. Lord, please help me to remember to call on your name when I find myself falsely accused or in a situation that is unplanned and very stressful. Let me be reminded of Your ever presence, Your purpose, Your protection – and may I give You the honor and glory due Your name. Amen

    @Arina – continuing to pray for you as God leads you and teaches you, glad to see you back today. Don’t give up, God walks right beside you!

    A blessed Thursday to all my SRT sisters today!

  43. Taylor says:

    I love this story so much. Our pastor preached a sermon about how when all the chains fell off, Paul & Silas & the other prisoners could have left but they knew their work wasn’t done until EVERYONE in that prison was saved – including the jailer. I love how our God pursues us and wants to bring ALL people to Himself <3 Thank you Lord that you provide deliverance from the wages of bondage and sin! You are a GOOD GOOD God!!

  44. Brandi says:

    Angie thank you for your prayer. Especially that last paragraph. I feel so beaten down. But I want to respond with praise!

  45. Melanie B says:

    “In a frustrating situation they praised God. They recounted what they know about who God is.” AMEN! Lord help me do this today.

  46. Melanie says:

    Ugh my response would be to complain. I’m in a situation and I do complain about it. It is sad and frustrating. The last thing I want to do is praise. So today was for me. God forgive my complaining heart and mouth and help me to praise you in the storm. I would like to see God move on our behalf sooner than later but praying for peace. I have a surgical consult today for pain I have lived with for to long . Please pray fir wisdom .

  47. Angie says:

    Thank you Lord for Yourself, your power, your fullness. Father, Son, Holy Spirit – indwelling, empowering, guiding, supporting, transforming, mercifully blessing and caring for us. Adopting us into the family of The King. Even though my brain knows in-part, I do not fully comprehend the depth of your love and acceptance. My heart overflows with your presence and humble worship.

    Thank you for using the writers of SRT and HRT whose thoughts on the scripture daily bring the Truth of your word alive and applicable in our hearts and lives. Thank you for the sisters that meet in this place, sharing ideas, thoughts, hearts, and minds. Thank you for love and support that is given moment by moment, word by word.

    In the quietness of our time with You, Lord, our Spirits are soft and yielded. In the challenge of the beatings – whether words, fists, or weapons the evil one uses against us; when it hurts – mentally, physically, spiritually; may we respond, even react, in prayer and praise. I pray it for the daily, especially starting this day. This moment. In your holy name Lord we praise and pray. Amen.

  48. Jessica Fehland says:

    Yes! I’m a planner too! But their response is so inspiring! The same God and Spirit in Acts is still in us and in this world today! We can escape any bondage through Him’

  49. Kelly Hasselbrack says:

    This was for me today. I know it. My go-to response at work is complaint, not praise for God’s goodness. This is the hardest year in my 20 years of teaching. I want to praise God in this storm, for He is great and I know He’s got this. I need only to trust, obey, and worship Him through the night. Thank you, Jehovah-Jireh.

  50. Kristen says:

    Hi Again! I realized that the e fourth video in that series about destiny and talking about Lydia wasn’t included in my first response. above. Her it is just in case someone wanted to watch: https://youtu.be/Zz7wvUzi2iU

  51. Kelly says:

    From HRT
    “When we witness injustice, when bad things happen to innocent people, when the order of the universe as God would have it seems turned upside down, our response should be prayer and praise. Having centered our spirits and our minds on Jesus we can begin to see the world through His eyes. Only then can we know the best path forward.”
    -Alex Florez

    Also, even though what the demon was saying through the girl was correct, it was undermining the truth Paul was preaching. Like Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, the devil will twist the truth for his purposes thus making the truth a lie (he is the father of lies). Today we need the descernment of the Holy Spirit to understand the difference.

  52. Kristen says:

    In the devotional today,. Abby talks about detours. My pastor just did a series called, Detours to Destiny. The children’s pastor finished the series and the message was based on the reading from the other day in Acts were Lydia was saved. I believe she said that Lydia was from Asia Minor. In the Scripture Paul and Silas were stoped from going there. She said that God then provided a way through Lydia. Also, I recently posted a link from John MacAuthor’s sermon about a truly Liberated Woman and that was Lydia. The other sermon was about an enslaved woman, and that is the woman in today’s Scripture that Paul told the spirit to come out of her. I want to be like Lydia and be free! I have been hearing many teachings in Acts lately. When I found the sermon I didn’t know that the main Scripture would be from Acts! I also smiled when I saw her talk about detours since that has been the title of the series from church. How many times has that happened to you all? You are reading or listening to one teaching, song, devotional, or certain Scriptures and all these other devotionals or teachings and Scriptures keep relating!! Are you still amazed by that or think maybe to really take heed? I will share the links in case anyone wants to listen. Also, praying for you ladies. God bless, lead, and protect you all!
    Here are from John MacAuthor:
    Here are from my church: about Detours to Destiny: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ5iWq2AW_v4MYXa-UXApLvaCrk7zNpmu

  53. Arina says:

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement yesterday. It means a lot seeing that others experience the same.. I’m so thankful for this community. Know that I’m also praying for you all.

    Mari V – Praying for your doctors appointment, that your ankle will have healed well
    Victoria E – Praying for you and your little boy
    Callie Parker – Praying for you and your husband as you are apart
    Foster mama – Praying for you and your husband in this difficult situation. That God may you give wisdom and that He will protect these children
    Traci G – Continuing to pray for you and Tanner

    Also praying for ALL of you sisters. May God protect us, give us wisdom, and lead us in the way we shall go. So that others may see His love shine through us. That when others look at us they will see, as the jailer saw in Paul and Silas, that we know how they can be saved.

  54. Poppy Waskett says:

    Paul and Silas are bold in the Lord, they have such confidence that when they are given the opportunity to leave and go in peace they declared the injustice of the situation and that they should be seen before the law officers. When they declared that they were roman citizens they experienced the police officers apologising to them. They could ave left in secret but they declared truth and justice and went to lydias house. If they had left in secret the opportunity to see Lydia and others and encourage them may not have arisen. I pray for faith and boldness in the Lord, for He is loving and kind. God is so good.

  55. Carol Rimmer says:

    May we praise God, no matter what is happening in our lives