Day 11

1 Samuel

from the This Is the Old Testament reading plan

1 Samuel 8:1-22, Proverbs 1:29-33, 1 Timothy 1:15-17

BY She Reads Truth

This Is the Old Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we move from the Pentateuch into the second section of the Old Testament, the Historical Books.

What Is 1 Samuel? The book of 1 Samuel documents the reign of Israel’s first king, Saul. It is also a history of the nation’s pattern of sin and repentance, as well as a history of the prophet Samuel’s spiritual leadership during Israel’s transition from theocracy to monarchy.

How 1 Samuel Fits Into the Story: God raised up Samuel as a final judge to rule over Israel and call His people back to the Lord, speaking on His behalf. As Samuel advanced in age, the people of Israel continued to reject the Lord and demanded a king like those of other nations. God granted their request, and His covenant faithfulness continued to prepare the way for the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. 

Reflection Questions: 
1. What does the rebellion and rejection in today’s reading reveal about Israel’s posture toward God? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

Post Comments (61)

61 thoughts on "1 Samuel"

  1. Alexis says:

    Jennifer, praying for you as you walk through the loss of your grandmother. <3

  2. Kathy A says:

    Ladies, I am so grateful for all that you share! I have been reading along, praying for your requests, and processing scripture since January along with you. Grateful for all the Shes in this beautiful, world-wide Bible study! Such a gift! @Kathy I had to comment to thank you for posting Romans 12:1-2, I prayed this over my children, my husband and myself today. ❤️ Thank you ladies for helping me grow!

  3. Mari V says:

    @Ashley-I am considered in Central Valley. Modesto. And my son is still attending Biola online. I am so thankful for this. It’s saving him so much money. It’s good to meet you Ashley. Please pray for my son that he will continue to attend Biola. I so wish and so does he but he could be there in person but it’s just too expensive.

    1. Michelle Schuster says:

      I went to college in Turlock! And now I live in Texas.

  4. Cristen Ryan says:

    Day 11 [1 Samuel] The people had a judge, guiding them, and yet they wanted a king?!? Their blindness and selfishness enrages me. And yet, I begin to realize, we are not much different today. No matter how much God guides, leads, protects and promises us, we always want more and we think we know better. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive me.

  5. Mari V says:

    1. I believe it came down to trust. The Israelites do not trust the very God who delivered them from Egypt. They wanted to be like everybody else. Unfortunately not much has changed today. We find ourselves wanting to be like everybody else. I pray I can catch myself and turn from my ways and turn in God‘s direction the only true way to go. so thankful God allowed to U-turns.
    2. Today’s reading shapes my understanding in that God does not push Himself on us, on me. Or demands us to follow Him. He wants it to be our decision. Hopefully will get it soon and realize that there is true forgiveness through Christ Jesus and Him Alone. And hopefully we can realize that no matter what we done in life, our God awaits us with open arms.

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      Amen Mari!

  6. Debbie D says:

    I look at the Israelites and how Good saved them over and over again. Then over and over again they rejected Him and wanted their own way. My pastor spoke about idols recently. Israel had many idols: envy-wanting a king like everyone else, selfcentered-wanting their own way as if they knew better than God, time-not wanting to wait on God, and on and on. I shake my head and wonder how could they wander so far from God after all the great things He did for them? Then the Holy Spirit spoke. I do the exact same things all the time! I am no better. For instance, I am too sensitive to what others think of me even though God has already chosen me and sent a saviour to rid me of my sins. I let things people say and do to me steal my happiness. I am dissatisfied, because I have forgotten that the creator of the universe chose me and pursues me and will never let me go!

    Father, I pray I will focus on You today and not me. That, just like Christ, I will be your hands and feet to others no matter what they say or do to me. Thank you for loving me first and bringing me to you!

  7. Kathy says:

    The Israelites desire to be like everybody else made me think of Romans 12:1-2. I like what the Message translation says.
    “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking-around life and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from You and quickly respond. Unlike the culture around you always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings out the best in you, developing well-formed maturity in you.”

  8. Sheri Davis says:


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