This is the last week of This Is the New Testament! Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we will finish reading the General Epistles and move on to Apocalyptic Literature.
What Are 1, 2 & 3 John? Written by the apostle John, the books of 1, 2 & 3 John describe how believers are to walk in true fellowship with God, actively loving their brothers and sisters in the faith. He writes in these three letters that it is the Holy Spirit who enables us to live this obedient life.
How 1, 2 & 3 John Fit Into the Story:
First John maps out the three main components of saving knowledge of God: faith in Jesus Christ, obedient response to God’s commands, and true love for God and others. This letter shows how Jesus expects His followers to honor Him daily wherever they are.
Second John encourages believers to stay the course, responding to one another with love and the truth of the gospel. This letter challenges readers to remain steadfast in their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, eventually receiving a “full reward” from Him (2Jn 8).
Third John underscores central Christian convictions and testifies to the God-centeredness of the Christian faith. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not mentioned specifically, but in the writer’s view, both are included when referencing God in this letter (3Jn 1, 3–4, 8, 12).
Reflection Questions:
1. How do 1, 2 & 3 John speak to the relationship between genuine faith and loving others? In what area of your life do you struggle to show love to others?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.
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55 thoughts on "1, 2 & 3 John"
The race is not given to the swift not to the strong but to the one who endureth until the end there will be problems and sometimes you may have to walk alone but I know that things will work out yes they will for the good of them who love the lord! I shall wear a crown when it’s all over I shall see his face when it’s all over I’m going to put on my robe and tell the story how I made it over soon as I get home I have the victory and my crown is waiting for me when I get home! No weapon formed against me shall not prosper cause I’m covered by the blood I shall not fight in the flesh but I shall let the lord fight my battles for he is for me Satan you can’t touch me! I declare and decree heaven is my home and my goal blessings is my portion! Hallelujah! I’ve won the victory!
I struggled with my son even through the teenage years. Now he is a great minister of God. Prayers do change things.
If we truly live God and strive to live like Jesus, we’re called to live everyone, just as He did. It feels impossible sometimes, when people hurt us or others. But if you think about how terribly all of humanity offends Jesus, our hurt pales in comparison. If he can love all of us, through him we can learn to love each other. It’s a daily journey!
I’ve been having a hard time showing love to my 8 year old son. He temper and mean hurtful words. I constantly think I’m failing him and am often at a loss of how to love and engage with him. I remind him that I’m not a perfect parent, but God is. He will always love him perfectly, especially when I don’t know how.. I am needing God’s grace daily, and my prayer is that my son will learn to lean on God’s love and grace too. In the mean time, Lord grant me wisdom and strength to parent this child, whom you’ve created in your image. Guide me in loving him, disciplining him, and seeking his heart. Help me to understand him and to meet him where he’s at right now.
Let us love one another through our faith in Christ and show compassion to others who have less.
I felt very convicted by today’s reading because like Victoria E and Kelly, I too struggle with loving people whose words and actions harm others. I pray for humility and compassion and for a softened heart towards these people. It’s hard to forget being hurt and seeing others be hurt, but I want to be able to forgive and love like Christ.
Hi Donna, I echo what Emily said. John’s letter to the churches (groups of people in homes) was to warn them not to give people who don’t know God or deny his nature an audience in their church to try to draw people away from Jesus. God expects us to obey in love and express the truth with compassion to all. Praying for Finley, the kids back in school and college and all the stress in the world.
Victoria, so happy to hear that you had a positive report at the doctor’s yesterday:)❤️
I have a hard time loving those who are cruel to me and who are very different from me. I am praying the Lord would give me the ability to love everyone as he has called me to. ❤️
Hi Donna, I thought you had a really good question. I think something helpful to keep in mind is to remember most churches back then met in homes. So they would not want to support a teacher who was spreading heretical teachings, that is, do anything to give them a platform. It’s certainly not a direction to shun Muslim or Jewish neighbors. That would contradict other clear teachings such as Luke 10:25-37.
Hi Jean, saw your post today.
The Book of 2 John is largely concerned with an urgent warning concerning deceivers [Gnostics] who were not teaching the exact doctrine of Christ and who maintained that Jesus did not actually rise in the flesh but only spiritually. John is very anxious that true believers should be aware of these false teachers and have nothing to do with them.
An explanation of the historical context of this letter, which may address your concern, can be found here:
Hello Maura
You are absolutely right. Jesus is amazing, isn’t he? The fact that God loves us so much as we are, but also loves us too much to let us stay where we are and show us how to grow is incredible. We serve an amazing God. I pray that you will have a great rest of the day.
Hello all! This is my first time answering here. Im so glad to find a place to study God’s amazing word with you. I hope all of you have been doing well and are blessed. As for the first question, I don’t have a lot of friends, but I often find it hard to not be frustrated at times with my mom and sister, both are not as in the faith as I am. They get mad at God and don’t spend time with Him as much as I do. My mom was convinced that God had taken away a job opportunity for my sister, but I told her that He was setting her up for something better and that He would never leave her. I used to be mad at God in my past, but I came back to the faith and realized just how amazing, loving, caring, and also how much of an amazing father He really is. I read verses to my mom to cheer her up, but I wish she (and my sister) could understand how much God loves them both and go to Him with all that they worry with. But I have to be patient and not force them into the faith. That’s Gods decision, not mine. Additionally I think genuine faith is loving others and forgiving others, even if they hurt you. And I think we should do that not for our sake, but God’s.
Amen Sky
Can someone let me know if you see this post? I have posted several comments over the last several weeks, but can not see them. And I don’t see any responses to what I post. I have contacted SRT about this but no one has gotten back to me. Thank you so much!
Hi Jean! I can see your post! ❤️
I see your post as well!
I see this post as well but I have had the same issues and I did contact SRT and they said they would inform the developers of the App.
Yes @jeanBuell, I see your post, can you see this post?
I struggled with 2 John:10-11 I have friends who are Jewish and some who are Muslim. Loving my neighbor doesn’t mean only those who worship like me. I don’t know how to understand those verses. Thank you.
As stated by others, I have a step daughter that was rotten to me. I struggled more that I care to admit. I was nice to her, but behind her back I didn’t have one nice thought about her. She is older now and I still struggle, but nearly as much. Someone once told me to just love her. So hard when someone is cruel. Only God can help us with that kind of love.
Things that stood out:
1. We are called to confess our sins to each other and to the Lord (really? each other? Yup).
2. We are inspired to delight in the success and salvation of others (it’s not a competition).
3. We are coheirs (and coworkers) in Christ (we’re not meant to walk alone).
May the light of Christ bless you and keep you today, and encourage you to connect and inspire others wherever your circles may be. <3
The love that John talks about in 1,2 and 3 John isn’t hard for me most of the time but there are times when I feel I just can’t love and occasionally forgive someone for what they have done, at least not right away. It seems the more I go the Lord with it I eventually end up forgiving the person.
Sisters, I would like to ask for prayer for Finley (she’s the little girl I take care of), her VP shunt (a shunt is a small hollow tube that will help drain the fluid from the baby’s brain and protect it from too much pressure) needs revision surgery. She will have to have this surgery on August 31. Also, if you could continue to pray for my sister, Carol, and nephew, Jake.
Be blessed on this Wednesday sisters.
Thank you to all who have been praying for me, God has continued to show His faithfulness and mercy and grace by giving us a good report yesterday! In response to the question- I struggle to love when others make choices that affect others negatively. I pray like Kelly to have more humility and compassion there. I am also praying for all the people affected by events in Haiti and Afghanistan, it is heartbreaking to see the amount of suffering. Please pray with me. Thank you all and have a blessed day and week!
Praying with you in these vital areas!!
PSALM 15:1-5 in the NLT: “Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord?
Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?
2 Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right,
speaking the truth from sincere hearts.
3 Those who refuse to gossip
or harm their neighbors
or speak evil of their friends.
4 Those who despise flagrant sinners,
and honor the faithful followers of the Lord,
and keep their promises even when it hurts.
5 Those who lend money without charging interest,
and who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent.
Such people will stand firm forever.”
MAURA mentioned some ways to give to (share the light) with others. Great suggestions and I would like to add a couple: GOOD NEWS CLUB and MENTORING opportunities are in place in many schools in the US and both offer such needed guidance and confidence and a solid way to introduce kids to the Lord. These organizations always need volunteers and I encourage you, TAYLOR and others to check them out. I know a full time job cuts into a lot of opportunities, but God will make a way!
VICTORIA E. – I didn’t make it here until late last night, but I prayed for you several times during the day and am SO THANKFUL to hear your report. May God continue to grow and protect this little one in the months ahead.
There is something to say about relationships amongst us believers. If we are true to ourselves, we can honestly say, that we don’t always like everyone. And I’m talking about believers. I have often heard that it’s OK not to always like everyone, BUT we must love them especially if they/we are believers. There are times when I have felt a fellow believer did not like me but I was comforted knowing that because they love Jesus they need to love me. With that said, I need to do the same. I may not always like everyone but because I love Jesus, I love them as well. Even when it’s hard.
In reading that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves I am reminded that we are often unkind to ourselves, more critical and less patient and forgiving with ourselves than we would ever be with someone else. I feel called to make sure self care and self compassion are being tended to so that my ability to truly love my neighbors would be a reflection of Jesus’s love for me. Staying in my quiet time a little longer today to soak up more of His precious peace!
@Kelly, thank you for your response to question number 1!!! That was so good. I went back and read what you said multiple times! The world knows we are His followers because of the way we act and how we love! This couldn’t be possible without the help of the Holy Spirit! What an amazing thought that He loved us while we were His enemies! The love of Jesus is beyond any earthly love! Praying to see others as He does and for His help to live I. A way that draws people to Him and not away!
When I think of question 2, I think that the redemption is all about the grace and love of God. There was a plan. Jesus chose to leave Heaven and have flesh and dwell among us. He lead a sinless life, and showed us how to live and how to treat others. Think of how He loving healed and reached out to the outcasts. Amazing!! However, we know that wasn’t the end! He was betrayed, abandoned, beaten beyond recognition, spat upon, and mocked. He drank the cup of the full wrath of God for undeserving sinners like me. Can we fathom a love like His? Truly, a love that is beyond compare
! I heard a sermon by Tim Keller and part of this tells about what happened to Jesus at Gethsemane when He went to pray. I never heard about what He went through in the garden explained like this before hearing his sermons. Here is a link;
This part starts at about 31 minutes in. Prayers for all today!
I found the explanations of these 3 short books very enlightening. I have struggled before to ‘get it’. Good job SRT of making it pertinent to us.
The sacrifice real Love takes we see in Jesus. In His life the way He frees people, forgives people and heals people. In His death, beaten, struck, nailed to a cross, not because He had done wrong, but for sinners. If God, lay down His life like this, can I overcome me, my hurt, my self and love others exactly where they are, even if it is at odds with me. I can, by the grace of God, for He is the Way. But God also shows His love to me in correction and I would encourage that if someone is abusive toward you, you can forgive, but love has to set boundaries as well. Not sure why I am pointing this out, but maybe it is the Holy Spirit guiding. Taylor, thank you for pointing out the needs in the World and there are so many! I would encourage also to look at Compassion International and World Vision. A way that you can encourage a child with letters and love and support those in poverty. I have a child in Ethiopia now, she is my 3rd Compassion child, I have been so blessed in this support. and know that this Pandemic has really increased already significant poverty there. So Madison and anyone searching for a way to not just send money but to encourage and love families and children. Here is one way. His mighty love to you Sisters, He multiplies the love He gives us that we can pour it out on others. Praying for you all in the name of Jesus, who loves us right where we are. ERB it’s a beautiful day, praying you are finding the joy in it.
VICTORIA E, so incredibly happy to hear of your GOOD report!!! God is SO faithful to restore and to restore even more abundantly than we ever imagined!!! Love to you dear sister and to your growing family!! This little one has an AWESOME calling on their life!!! ❤️
Thank you ERB and thank you for praying!! God is so good and so faithful !
What really stood out to me today was the true definition of love: SACRIFICE.
God LOVES us SO much that He sacrificed a PART of Himself: His Son, Jesus Christ, just so that we may be closer to a complete and unified fellowship (think garden of eden before the fall) with Him!! God put Himself aside so that we may live in LIFE-FILLED LIGHT!!! For in light there is NO darkness!!! The closer we are to Him the more we lose our desires for this world and the things in it… we see things, yet we cling to God and trust Him FULLY!!! We want and see what GOD wants and sees… we yearn for a righteous life!!!
When we love our brothers and sisters we are emulating God’s love for us!! And that type of love isn’t all peaches & roses…it is a love that stands up and out, it surpasses all understanding and it wants what’s best, no matter the cost to oneself!!!
Lord help me to LOVE like You love…
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love. ❤️
I pray that God would help me to love those around the world living in poverty, dangerous countries – that I would get my eyes off of myself and have a heart for his people, even those I don’t know.
Amen Madison!
Holy Spirit help me to love as you do. Amen.
Holy Spirit help me to love as You do.
Walk in love. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love your neighbor.
May love be my refrain every minute of every day.
Thank you for sharing this!!! This is something I too have to work on. Caring more for the person, who God created, than about their actions — which shows where they are in their journey. Praying constantly to see others how God sees them & to know people apart from God are without hope in this broken world.
I noticed a theme running through the supplemental passages was loving and giving to the poor. There is so much pain going on in our world (I think of Haiti and Afghanistan specifically) but also plenty of poverty, hunger, illness, and pain in the US. I’m going to keep my eyes and ears open for if God calls me to give to the poor in some manner whether my time, my resources, or some other way. 2 John 6 really stood out to me: “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.” Lord may I walk in love with all those I interact with today in response to your ultimate expression of love by giving your life for me!
Praying I would love God and others today.
Definitely has been an adjustment to working full time… And I probably sound like a wimp, but I’m definitely getting tired and just a little shaken from the newness of it. Need go make sure I go to bed at the same time. We recently moved into our house too, so the stress of moving in is probably getting to me too. Praying I would glorify God today in every thing I do, no matter how tired I am.
@Sarah D praying for you today – we recently moved as well and I cannot imagine how it must be to combine that with working full-time. You have my full sympathy and my prayers.
You’re not a wimp Sarah D! Anyone would be exhausted from a move while working! I will pray for God to restore you and give you strength
Thank you for this reminder Pamela. We too are going through something that sounds similar – complete hatred of my family by my nephew’s wife. It causes such intense pain and yet this reminds me that even though she has nothing but malice for us, I am called to obedience which means turning the other cheek and responding with love. So much easier to type on a Wednesday morning than to do but your words about this passage in this context encourage me as we continue to try to be light.
If we walk in the light, in the Spirit, we become the body of Christ; followers of Christ become united in Him and for His Glory. I think that grows fellowship and love for one another because we are one- one family, one Church. I think of my Small Groups and studies and my heart surges for those people. Opening God’s Word and sharing our hearts- how can you not love one another in those vulnerable and transforming times?
1. John is emphatic about love for sure, even in his gospel (for God so loved the world…). I believe it is because of Jesus’ command that we love one another and that being loving is to be our sign to the world that we are His followers (Jn. 13:34-35; 15:12, 17). Love then is the reflection of God in us. When by faith, we have become children of God then our actions toward others should be god-like (love thy neighbor-even your enemy). In our flesh, that is impossible BUT GOD gives us His love to give out to others. He loved us when we were His enemies.
I struggle to love when people seem to repeatedly choose to make bad choices and are living out the consequences. Praying for more humility and compassion!
2. John gives several examples of what it looks like to walk out a Christian life of love. This gives me more understanding of how my redemption plays out in this life.
I think the Lord times things, like reading this passage, to confirm often He is teaching me. Earlier this week I had to see a relative of my grandson who is often unkind to me and my daughter. Driving there my mind was racing with the potential interactions and how I could handle them but the Lord put in my heart You need to care more about her instead what she thinks about you. This is hard. She is mean, especially to my daughter and I don’t like her. This is my struggle. I am a people pleaser. I am sure others share this. I want people to like me but how do you set your heart to love your brother (or sister) when they offer nothing but malice. I can see there is a training program for me; caring more about the person and instead what they think of me.
@Pamela Aileen, the ultimate ‘turning of the cheek’! Whether or not you see a change in them, I believe you are planting a seed! Not an easy thing to do, but God delights in you and your heart!
Pamela, that is tough. Thankfully I don’t encounter this within my small family now that the old guard is gone on to wherever. I am a people pleaser as well and would have a difficult time going into a situation knowing there was a mean spirit to encounter. I will try to remember the person not their actions instead of human defense mechanisms if I find my self in this situation again. Good insight.
All that I do must be driven by, first, love for God and then love for others.
Love is humble, laying down self for others, starting with God first and then others. Focus on self dims our vision, closes our hands, and shrinks our heart. The closer we draw to God, the easier it is to love, for He is love. It’s a journey-drawing closer to Him, reaching out in love, that will one day end in the reward of bowing and giving honor and praise, in His presence face to face.